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 | Alderman, Anona Sarah (1904-1941) & Geneva DeEtte Alderman (1899-1975) & Gladys Grace Alderman (1910-1969) & Donald Barr Alderman (1901-1958) Group photo was probably taken in Newport, Nebraska, 1911-1912, and came from the Alderman/ Galleher/ Barr Collection by James Madison “Jim” Alderman, III. Included [L-R] are Anona Sarah Alderman Laws & Geneva DeEtte Alderman Losch & Gladys Grace Alderman Stubbs (standing on table) & Donald Barr Alderman. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels.
2 |
 | Alderman, Eugenia Margretta (twin) (1913-2003) & James Madison (twin) Alderman, Jr. (1913-2004) 2-Persons/ Twins photo of (L-R) Eugenia Margretta (twin) Alderman Jeffrey & James Madison (twin) Alderman, Jr., was taken in Newport, Nebraska, in 1914-1915, and came from the Alderman/ Galleher/ Barr Collection by James Madison “Jim” Alderman, III. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Alderman, James Madison (twin), Jr. (1913-2004) Individual photo was taken in San Marcos, CA, in 1999, and came from the Alderman/ Galleher/ Barr Collection by James Madison “Jim” Alderman, III. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Alderman, James Madison (twin), Jr. (1913-2004) Individual/ High School Graduation photo was taken in 1931 and came from the Alderman/ Galleher/ Barr Collection by James Madison “Jim” Alderman, III. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Alderman, John (b. after 1880) Individual photo of John Alderman was taken in WV and came from the album of Margaret Lillian Porter. Photo identification was done by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Alderman, John Bradford, Sr. (1917-2001) Individual/ High School Graduation photo was taken at Newport High School, in Nebraska, about 1932, and came from the Alderman/ Galleher/ Barr Collection by James Madison “Jim” Alderman, III. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Alderman, Oscar (1879-1944) Individual photo was taken about 1940 and came from the Alderman/ Galleher/ Barr Collection by James Madison “Jim” Alderman, III. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Alderman, Oscar (1879-1944) Individual photo was taken about 1899 and came from the Alderman/ Galleher/ Barr Collection by James Madison “Jim” Alderman, III. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
9 |
 | Au, Bessie (1885-1975) & Emma Elizabeth Au (1895-1977) & friend & Roger Au (1891-1973) Group photo came from the Au Collection by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. Included (L-R) are Bessie Au Schmunk & Emma Elizabeth Au Todd & a friend & Roger Au. |
10 |
 | Au, Charles Henry (1858) Individual photo was submitted to Richland Co., OH USGenWeb Site by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohrichla/ Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Au, Emma Elizabeth (1895-1977) Individual photo of Emma Elizabeth Au Todd was submitted to Richland Co., OH USGenWeb Site by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohrichla/ Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
12 |
 | Bailey, Emily (1844-1916) Individual photo of Emily Bailey Wilkinson, which was probably taken in Kanawha or Putnam Co., WV, 1885-1890, came from http://www.ancientfaces.com/ & was submitted by Tracy McClanahan. Proper identification of the picture was made by Jack "Threebears" Eisel. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Belch, Carrie Elena (1878-1929) 2-Persons photo of Carrie Elena Belch Blunt came from the Blunt/ Blount Collection by Dick and Carolyn Fix Blount. Carrie is on the left. The woman on the right is possibly Emma Peacock Mitchell. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
14 |
 | Bishop, Katherine & Laurence Meredith Todd (1894-1979) 2-Persons photo of (L-R) Katherine Bishop Todd & her son Laurence Meredith Todd, Sr. was submitted to Richland Co., OH USGenWeb Site by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohrichla/ Photo was taken in about 1895. |
15 |
 | Bohnstedt, Mabel Elma (1905-1974) Individual photo of Mabel Elma Bohnstedt Cockerill was taken in 1924 and came from Clifton “Gayle” Cockerill’s website “Samuel Cockerill Genealogy” at http://olypen.com/cliffc/genealogy/index.html Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Casey, Pushmataha “Jack” (1900-1977) Individual photo of Pushmataha “Jack” Casey came from the Lovell Collection by Joel Lovell. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Chasteen, Sarah Ellen (b. 1851) Individual photo of Sarah Ellen Chasteen Robbins, which was taken about 1900, came from Alvey & Garard Genealogy: “Made in America Since 1638”, created by William Garard & Phyllis E. Alvey Garard, at http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~garard/ The Garard database has information and references on the Robbins family of Indiana as well as many other families. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels.
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 | Clark, Donald Edward (1921-2002) Individual photo was taken in Jennings, LA, in 1922. This picture came from the Shivertaker/ Clark Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Clark, Genevieve Elizabeth "Gen" (1897-1986) Individual photo of Genevieve Elizabeth "Gen" Clark McLane was taken in Jennings, LA, in the 1920's. This picture came from the MacDonell/ Clark Collection by Ann Fraser/Jan Worthy. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Clark, John Edwin "Don" (1890-1939)& Katherine Jeanette "Katy" Lovell (1892-1961) & Donald Edward Clark (1921-2002) & Anna Catherine Clark (1924-1996) Group photo was taken in Jennings, LA, in 1925. Included (L-R) are John Edwin "Don" Clark & Katherine Jeanette "Katy" Lovell Clark & Donald Edward Clark (on John's lap) & Anna Catherine Clark (on Katherine's lap). This picture came from the Clark Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Clark, John Thomas (1859-1904) Individual photo was taken in MI about 1900. This picture came from the Clark Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
22 |
 | Coatney, George Combe (1860-1898) Individual photo came from the Don Coatney Archives. See also Don Coatney's Coatney Collection at http://www.rootsweb.com/~inscott/CoatneyPhotos.html Many of the photos in the Archives and in the Collection were taken by Benjamin Harrison Coatney (1865-1925), Don Coatney's grandfather who was a professional photographer in Perla, AR, and Indianapolis, IN. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Coatney, George Combe (1860-1898) Individual photo came from the Don Coatney Archives. It was taken in Perla, AR. See also Don Coatney's Coatney Collection at http://www.rootsweb.com/~inscott/CoatneyPhotos.html Many of the photos in the Archives and in the Collection were taken by Benjamin Harrison Coatney (1865-1925), Don Coatney's grandfather, who was a professional photographer in Perla, AR, and Indianapolis, IN. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Coatney, George Francis (1900-1922) Individual photo, which was taken in IN, came from the Don Coatney Archives. See also Don Coatney's Coatney Collection at http://www.rootsweb.com/~inscott/CoatneyPhotos.html Many of the photos in the Archives and in the Collection were taken by Benjamin Harrison Coatney (1865-1925), Don Coatney's grandfather, who was a professional photographer in Perla, AR, and Indianapolis, IN. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Coatney, Jennie Elizabeth (1874-1955) Individual photo of Jennie Elizabeth Coatney Chrisman Atkinson came from the Coatney/ Mann Collection by Richard Merrill Coatney Portschy Mann. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Coatney, Rosannah Gahl (1874-1949) & Samuel Lafayette Hoppers (1867-1948) 2-Persons/ Wedding photo of (L-R) Samuel Lafayette Hoppers & Rosannah Gahl Coatney Hoppers was taken east of Urbana, MO, on August 1, 1889, and came from the Christina Neitzert Wilson Collection via John Phillips. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Coatney, Sarajane Individual/ Wedding photo of Sarajane Coatney Mann Stanton came from the Coatney/ Mann Collection by Richard Merrill Coatney Portschy Mann. See Richard Mann's site Genealogy/ Coatney at http://www.pbase.com/otzi/genealogy__coatney Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Coatney, Thomas Jefferson (1857-1934) Individual photo, which was taken in IN, came from the Don Coatney Archives. See also Don Coatney's Coatney Collection at http://www.rootsweb.com/~inscott/CoatneyPhotos.html Many of the photos in the Archives and in the Collection were taken by Benjamin Harrison Coatney (1865-1925), Don Coatney's grandfather, who was a professional photographer in Perla, AR, and Indianapolis, IN. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Coatney, Thomas Jefferson (1857-1934) Individual photo, which was taken in IN, came from the Don Coatney Archives. See also Don Coatney's Coatney Collection at http://www.rootsweb.com/~inscott/CoatneyPhotos.html Many of the photos in the Archives and in the Collection were taken by Benjamin Harrison Coatney (1865-1925), Don Coatney's grandfather, who was a professional photographer in Perla, AR, and Indianapolis, IN. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Coatney, William Curtis "Will" (b. 1885) Individual photo, which was taken in IN, came from the Don Coatney Archives. See also Don Coatney's Coatney Collection at http://www.rootsweb.com/~inscott/CoatneyPhotos.html Many of the photos in the Archives and in the Collection were taken by Benjamin Harrison Coatney (1865-1925), Don Coatney's grandfather, who was a professional photographer in Perla, AR, and Indianapolis, IN. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Coatney, William Edward "Ted" (1911-1995) Individual/ School photo was taken about 1925 and came from the Coatney/ Mann Collection by Richard Merrill Coatney Portschy Mann. See Richard Mann's site Genealogy/ Coatney at http://www.pbase.com/otzi/genealogy__coatney Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Cockerill, James C. (1846-1921) Individual photo came from Clifton “Gayle” Cockerill’s website “Samuel Cockerill Genealogy” at
http://olypen.com/cliffc/genealogy/index.html Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels.
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 | Cockerill, Marjorie K. "Margie" (1915-1983) Individual photo of Marjorie K. "Margie" Cockerill Dunning was contributed by Patricia McManaman Cockerill to Clifton “Gayle” Cockerill’s website “Samuel Cockerill Genealogy” at http://olypen.com/cliffc/genealogy/index.html
Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels.
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 | Curfman, Margaret Florence "Maggie" (1868-1930) Individual photo of Margaret Florence Curfman "Maggie" Pogue, which was taken in PA, came from the Pogue Collection by Suzanne LaRue "Sana" Maelhorn McGhee. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Davis, Abner (1874-1912) Individual photo came from Tony Armes’ website at http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/a/r/m/Tony-Armes-OH/ The site was recommended by Willard Frank “Jack” Davis. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Davis, Tammy Individual photo came from Tammy Davis. Tammy Davis’ website is: http://www.geocities.com/flufdoll/ Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Ford, David Todd (1949-1969) Individual/ Military photo came from the Au Collection by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd
Barbour. |
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 | Ford, Steven Benson (1944-2004) Individual photo came from the Au Collection by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Forney, Donald Disert (1891-1976) Individual photo was taken in Lakeland, FL, in the spring of 1966. This picture came from the Barton/ Forney Collection by Betty Colleen Barton Forney & Fredric John Forney. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Gray, John P. (1870-1905) Individual photo came from the GRAY-LARDNER-CHASTAIN-JENKINS genealogy website at http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/g/r/a/Lawrence-O-Grayjr/index.html The website was created by Lawrence Owen Gray, Jr. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Gray, Mary Ann (1927-1994) Individual photo of Mary Ann Gray Rush was taken in IN, in 1946. This picture came from the GRAY-LARDNER-CHASTAIN-JENKINS genealogy website at http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/g/r/a/Lawrence-O-Grayjr/index.html The website was created by Lawrence Owen Gray, Jr. The original title of this photograph is "Lovely Lassie 1946." Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
42 |
 | Hoppers, Felena May "Lena" (1896-1981) Individual photo of Felena May "Lena" Hoppers Gunkle was taken in the late 1970’s and came from the Christina Neitzert Wilson Collection via John Phillips. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
43 |
 | Jesson, Nina (1862-1925) Individual photo of Nina Jesson Au came from the Au Collection by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | John, Thelma Rose (1897-1980) & Thelma "Corrine" Forney (1918-1920) 2-Persons photo of (L-R) Thelma "Corrine" Forney & Thelma Rose John Forney was taken in Chambersburg, PA, in 1918. This picture came from the Barton/ Forney Collection by Betty Colleen Barton Forney & Fredric John Forney. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
45 |
 | Johns, Elizabeth (1846-1925) Individual photo of Elizabeth Johns Curfman, which was taken in PA, came from the Pogue Collection by Suzanne LaRue "Sana" Maelhorn McGhee. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
46 |
 | Kinder, Sarah Jane (1839-1915) Individual photo of Sarah Jane Kinder Alderman was taken about 1910, in Nebraska, and came from the Alderman/ Galleher/ Barr Collection by James Madison “Jim” Alderman, III. Photo restoration and enhancement was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
47 |
 | Lardner, Johanna (1871-1910) Individual photo of Johanna Lardner Gray came from the GRAY-LARDNER-CHASTAIN-JENKINS genealogy website at http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/g/r/a/Lawrence-O-Grayjr/index.html The website was created by Lawrence Owen Gray, Jr. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
48 |
 | Lovell, Carroll Vinson (1924-2000) & Peggy J. Casey 2-Persons photo of (L-R) Peggy J. Casey Lovell & Carroll Vinson Lovell came from the Lovell Collection by Joel Lovell. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
49 |
 | Lovell, Cecil William (1902-1984) Individual photo was taken in WV or LA and came from the Clark Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Photo restoration and enhancement was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Lovell, Katherine Jeanette "Katy" (1892-1961) Individual photo of Katherine Jeanette "Katy" Lovell Clark was taken in Jennings, LA, about 1950, and came from the Clark Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
51 |
 | Lovell, Ruby V. (1907-2005) Individual photo of Ruby V. Lovell Johnson was probably taken in LA, in 1907. This picture came from the Clark Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
52 |
 | MacDonell, Catherine Anne "Katie" (1862-1942) Individual photo of Catherine Anne MacDonell Clark was taken about 1880. This picture came from the MacDonell/ Clark Collection by Ann Fraser/Jan Worthy. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
53 |
 | McCart, Cora Louise (1934-2017) Individual photo of Cora Louise McCart Cockerill came from the Clifton Cockerill Archives. See also Clifton “Gayle” Cockerill’s website “Samuel Cockerill Genealogy” at http://olypen.com/cliffc/genealogy/index.html
Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
54 |
 | McCart, Cora Louise (1934-2017) Individual photo of Cora Louise McCart Cockerill came from the Clifton Cockerill Archives. See also Clifton “Gayle” Cockerill’s website “Samuel Cockerill Genealogy” at http://olypen.com/cliffc/genealogy/index.html
Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
55 |
 | Phillips, George "Addison" (1852-1927) Individual photo came via John Phillips from Blanche Phillips Fought's Phillips Collection, owned by Eileen Cufr. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
56 |
 | Phillips, John Almond (1848-1917) Individual photo was taken about 1883 and came from the John Phillips’ Collection. This cabinet card photo entered the Collection possibly via Hazel Wright. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Pogue, Betty E. (1920-1993) Individual photo, which was taken in PA, came from the Pogue Collection by Suzanne LaRue "Sana" Maelhorn McGhee. Photo restoration and enhancement was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Pogue, Betty E. (1920-1993) Individual photo, which was taken in PA, came from the Pogue Collection by Suzanne LaRue "Sana" Maelhorn McGhee. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
59 |
 | Pogue, Howard Luthern (1869-1928) Individual photo came from the Pogue Collection by Suzanne LaRue "Sana" Maelhorn McGhee. "New York Studio" is engraved on the matting at the bottom of the original photo. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
60 |
 | Pogue, Margaret Elizabeth "Maggie" (1873-1939) Individual photo of Margaret Elizabeth "Maggie" Pogue John was taken in Chambersburg, PA, in 1938. This picture came from the Pogue/ John Collection by George and Becky Leeper. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
61 |
 | Prewitt, Donna Mae & Ludia Bell Hughes & Viola Prewitt Group photo was taken in Oklahoma, about 1918, and came from the Prewitt Collection by Virginia Burlingame. Included (L-R, standing) are Donna Mae Prewitt & Ludia Bell Hughes Prewitt. Included (seated) is Viola Prewitt. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
62 |
 | Prewitt, John Andrew Smith (Rev.) (1855-1921) Individual photo was taken in Oklahoma, in 1899-1907, and came from the Prewitt Collection by Virginia Burlingame via David Prewitt. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
63 |
 | Raab, Hazel Monica (1896-1972) Individual photo of Hazel Monica Raab Shiverdecker, which probably was taken in Chicago, IL, came from the Shiverdecker/ Shivertaker Archives by Teresa (Hrivnak/ Shiverdecker) Betz. Photo entered the archives via the Shiverdecker/ Hrivnak Collection by Jeanne "Blanche" Shiverdecker Hrivnak.
Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour.
Teresa Betz, genealogist and member of Daughters of the American Revolution, has researched family history for over 30 years and creates family heirlooms in the form of artful, hard-copy books constructed from family histories, documents, stories and photos. Teresa may be contacted at https://artfulancestrytree.com/ |
64 |
 | Runyon, Charles Arthur "Charley", Jr. (1924-2005) Individual photo was probably taken in the 1960’s. This picture came from the Barton/ Runyon Collection by Lois Faith Barton Runyon & Charles Arthur "Charley" Runyon, Jr. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels.
65 |
 | Schmunk, Charles (1882-1978) & Bessie Au (1885-1975) 2-Persons photo of (L-R) Charles Schmunk & Bessie Au Schmunk was submitted to Richland Co., OH USGenWeb Site by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohrichla/ Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
66 |
 | Shiverdecker, Bertha Mae (1885-1918) & Martha Eldora Brown (1912-1994) 2-Persons photo of (L-R) Bertha Mae Shiverdecker Brown & Martha Eldora Brown, which was taken about 1912 in OH, came from the Shiverdecker/ Shivertaker Archives by Teresa (Hrivnak/ Shiverdecker) Betz. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
67 |
 | Shivertaker, John William "Fodder Bill" (1890-1968) & Virginia "Ethel" Porter (1894-1949) 2-Persons photo of (L-R) John William "Fodder Bill" Shivertaker & Virginia "Ethel" Porter Shivertaker was taken in Charleston, WV, about 1943. This picture came from the Porter/ Shivertaker Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
68 |
 | Shivertaker, Ruby Eloise "Toodles" (1924-2018) & David R. Clark, M.D. 2-Persons photo of (L-R) Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark & David R. Clark, M.D. was taken in Charleston, WV. This picture came from the Porter/ Shivertaker Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Photo restoration and enhancement was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
69 |
 | Shivertaker, Ruby Eloise "Toodles" (1924-2018) Individual/ High School Graduation photo of Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark was taken in Charleston, WV. This picture came from the Porter/ Shivertaker Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
70 |
 | Shivertaker, Ruby Eloise "Toodles" (1924-2018) Individual photo of Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark was taken in Charleston, WV. This picture came from the Porter/ Shivertaker Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
71 |
 | Shivertaker, Virginia Margaret "Ginny" (1916-1985) Individual photo of Virginia Margaret "Ginny" Shivertaker Givens was taken in Charleston, WV, about 1932. This picture came from the Porter/ Shivertaker Collection by Ruby Eloise "Toodles" Shivertaker Clark. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
72 |
 | Spear, Mary Jane (1854-1919) Individual photo of Mary Jane Spear Phillips came via John Phillips from Blanche Phillips Fought's Phillips Collection, owned by Eileen Cufr. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
73 |
 | Stanton, John Harley (1930-1995) & Sarajane Coatney 2-Persons photo of (L-R) John Harley Stanton & Sarajane Coatney Mann Stanton was taken about 1991 and came from the Coatney/ Mann Collection by Richard Merrill Coatney Portschy Mann. See Richard Mann's site Genealogy/ Coatney at http://www.pbase.com/otzi/genealogy__coatney Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
74 |
 | Todd, Laurence Meredith, Jr. (1926-2003) Individual photo of Laurence Meredith, Jr. was submitted to Richland Co., OH USGenWeb Site by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohrichla/ Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
75 |
 | Todd, Laurence Meredith (1894-1979) Individual photo of Laurence Meredith Todd, Sr. was submitted to Richland Co., OH USGenWeb Site by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohrichla/ Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
76 |
 | Todd, Nina Katherine Individual photo came from the Au Collection by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. Photo treatment was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
77 |
 | Todd, Patricia Ann Individual photo was submitted to Richland Co., OH USGenWeb Site by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohrichla/ Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Todd, Roslyne Henry (1914-1979) Individual/ Military photo was submitted to Richland Co., OH USGenWeb Site by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohrichla/ Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Todd, Susan Yvette (1941-2021) Individual photo was submitted to Richland Co., OH USGenWeb Site by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohrichla/ |
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 | Todd, Susan Yvette (1941-2021) & Nina Katherine Todd 2-Persons photo of (L-R) Susan Yvette Todd Barbour & Nina Katherine Todd was submitted to Richland Co., OH USGenWeb Site by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour at http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohrichla/ |
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 | Toney, Harvey Peals (1893-1958) Individual photo came from the Toney Collection by Mary Jane Vandale Wood. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Tuttle, Lee Earl (1905-1982) & Lucy Gae McCroskey (1902-1993) 2-Persons photo of (L-R) Lee Tuttle & Lucy Gae McCroskey Tuttle came from McCroskey Family Tree by Kyle McCroskey. Photo was contributed by Caroline Carr by way of Mike McCroskey. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | York, Elizabeth Almeda (1860-1886) Individual photo of Elizabeth Almeda York Plessinger, which was taken in OH, comes from the DARKE COUNTY RESEARCHERS PHOTO ALBUM at http://album.dcoweb.org/folks/portraits3.htm This picture was contributed to that site by Richard Martin. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | York, Nancy Aldora "Dora" (1862-1940) Individual photo of Nancy Aldora "Dora" York Shiverdecker, which was taken in OH, came from the Shiverdecker/ Shivertaker Archives by Teresa (Hrivnak/ Shiverdecker) Betz. Photo entered the archives via the Shiverdecker/ Hrivnak Collection by Jeanne "Blanche" Shiverdecker Hrivnak.
Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour.
Teresa Betz, genealogist and member of Daughters of the American Revolution, has researched family history for over 30 years and creates family heirlooms in the form of artful, hard-copy books constructed from family histories, documents, stories and photos. Teresa may be contacted at https://artfulancestrytree.com/ |
85 |
 | York, Nancy Aldora “Dora” (1862 –1940) Individual photo of Nancy Aldora "Dora" York Shiverdecker, which was taken in OH, came from the Shiverdecker/ Shivertaker Archives by Teresa (Hrivnak/ Shiverdecker) Betz. Photo entered the archives via the Shiverdecker/ Hrivnak Collection by Jeanne "Blanche" Shiverdecker Hrivnak.
Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour.
Teresa Betz, genealogist and member of Daughters of the American Revolution, has researched family history for over 30 years and creates family heirlooms in the form of artful, hard-copy books constructed from family histories, documents, stories and photos. Teresa may be contacted at https://artfulancestrytree.com/ |
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 | Young, Ethelina "Ethe" (1842-1917) Individual photo of Ethelina Young Peacock Belch was probably taken in IN, in 1900-1905. This picture came from the Blunt/ Blount Collection by Dick and Carolyn Fix Blount. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Barbour who is currently offering photo restoration to other genealogists at no cost. Photos may be e-mailed to yvettemgi@aim.com When photos are scanned, resolution must be 500 to 700 pixels. |
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 | Zentmyre, John Wesley, Jr. (1829-1904) & probably Mary Johnson (b. abt. 1864) 2-Persons/ possible Wedding photo and information came from the Ault/ Zentmyre Collection by Melissa Hennigar Parrish and entered that collection via Jane Hooper Smith. Jane’s grandmother labeled the back of the photograph as "Mr. and Mrs. John Zen, Phillips Photography, Lafayette Ind." This picture was probably taken about 1888-1891. The woman in the photo is probably Mary Johnson Zentmyre. On the right is John Wesley Zentmyre, Jr. Restoration of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | Zentmyre, John Wesley, Jr. (1829-1904) & Lydie Zentmyre & Kate Zentmyre & Ellen Zentmyre Group photo of John Wesley Zentmyre, Jr. & his sisters includes (probably L-R, back row) Lydie Zentmyre Hughs & Kate Zentmyre Keller & Ellen Zentmyre Hartzell. This picture came from the Ault/ Zentmyre Collection by Melissa Hennigar Parrish and entered that collection via Jane Hooper Smith. The photo was taken around 1900 and was labeled on the back by Jane Hooper Smith’s grandmother as Mrs. Harry Hughs, Lafayette, Indiana (Lydie), Mrs. Kate Keller, Dayton, Ohio, Mrs. Ellen Hartzell, Union City, Indiana, Mr. John Zentmyers, Battle Ground, Indiana. This picture was restored by Melissa Hennigar Parrish. A second restoration and enhancement of the photo was done by Susan Yvette Todd Barbour. |
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 | York, Joseph S. (1835-1929) & Judson Leondus Elmore Shiverdecker (1858-1910) & Nancy Aldora "Dora" York (1862-1940) & John Wilburn Shiverdecker (1895-1977) & Nicholas Allen York (1864-1933) & Anna Neargarden (1869-1953) Group/ Reunion (restoration) photo (#3) of the Joseph S. York Family Reunion, which was taken in Darke Co., OH, about 1905, came from the Shiverdecker/ Shivertaker Archives by Teresa (Hrivnak/ Shiverdecker) Betz. Photo entered the archives via the Shiverdecker/ Hrivnak Collection by Jeanne "Blanche" Shiverdecker Hrivnak
Steve Hrivnak identified family members and gave an approximate date for the photo. In the back row: Joseph S. York is 1st from left; Judson Leondus Elmore Shiverdecker is 10th from left, on right side of the post. In front of Judson is Nancy Aldora "Dora" York Shiverdecker, wearing a black dress. In the front row: John Wilburn Shiverdecker is the 1st boy kneeling from left, in front of Nancy.
Further identifications were made by Brian York: Nicholas Allen York, who has a mustache and is holding a child, is standing at the far right; Anna Neargarden York, who is also holding a child, is standing next to him.
Restoration of this photo was done by Richard Merrill Coatney Portschy Mann. See Richard Mann's site Genealogy/ Coatney at http://www.pbase.com/otzi/genealogy__coatney
Teresa Betz, genealogist and member of Daughters of the American Revolution, has researched family history for over 30 years and creates family heirlooms in the form of artful, hard-copy books constructed from family histories, documents, stories and photos. Teresa may be contacted at https://artfulancestrytree.com/ |
90 |
 | Ross, Amon L. (b. abt. 1882) & Myrtle E. Unknown (b. abt. 1888)**SOME INDIVIDUALS APPEAR MORE THAN ONCE IN OUR TREE AND HAVE BEEN LINKED ACCORDINGLY.
2-Persons/ Enhanced/ Hand-colored picture of (L-R) Amon L. Ross & Myrtle E. Unknown Ross was probably made in the 1880s. This photo came from the Johnson/ Weeth Archives by Gerry Weeth Trimble. |
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